qemu, Windows 2000, and kqemu
Ok. Here's the short version of how to install qemu and kqemu on Ubuntu 5.10. Assuming a standard desktop installation, the following must be installed using Synaptic (or your favorite apt-package manager):
- gcc-3.4 (gcc-4 is installed by default)
- libsdl-dev
- checkinstall (for creating the debian package)
Now, follow the directions on this page.
One instruction that stumped me was the directions for the ./configure step. Instead of the command line that the author suggests (which, using my system, resulted in kqemu.ko not being built):
./configure --prefix=/usr --cc=gcc-3.4 --host-cc=gcc-3.4 --kernel-path=/usr/src/$(uname -r)/
Try the following:
./configure --prefix=/usr --cc=gcc-3.4 --host-cc=gcc-3.4
That should work for installing. Using, well, I didn't notice much difference. Maybe a bit snappier, but not a 5-10x increase in speed.